Unruly Canines: A Mirror Image of Their Human Companions
Have you ever been strolling through your neighborhood, only to have your clean attire tarnished by an overly friendly dog? Or perhaps, you’ve had the not-so-pleasant surprise of finding your new neighbor’s large canine‘s “gifts” scattered across your lawn. At such times, it’s easy to label these four-legged creatures as ‘unruly canines.’ But is it really the dogs which are to blame? Or is it the misguided actions of their human companions that lead to such unruly behavior?
Let’s delve into the world of dog behavior, where the line between a ‘good dog’ and a ‘bad dog’ is often blurred by the actions of their owners. Dogs, much like children, demand boundaries – within the house, beyond the house, and especially in public places. The problem often lies with inexperienced dog owners who lack knowledge about setting these boundaries.
A solution? Dog trainers. These professionals can teach you how to handle your canine companion without dampening their spirit. You can find them at your local vet’s office or pet shops, or even online, where you can access courses to rectify behavioral issues at the earliest.

Interestingly, training a dog often turns out to be the easy part. The real challenge? Training the owner! A dog who is trained to walk on a leash in public spaces requires ample practice, often starting within the confines of your yard.
A dog’s bark – a bone of contention for many. How often have you seen owners scold or punish their dogs for barking, a form of communication that is as natural to them as talking is to us? However, it’s worth noting that a barking dog can often serve as a deterrent to potential burglars. It’s rather ironic how a puppy’s bark is often encouraged and found to be cute, only for it to be deemed a nuisance when the pup grows and its bark becomes louder.
The secret to a well-behaved dog is in understanding how to reinforce desired behaviors, using both praise and treats. This can be a tricky task, but dog trainers can guide you through it. The key is to ensure the dog understands what behavior is being rewarded so it can be repeated or undesirable behavior can be stopped, so dogs are not born to be unruly canines!
And finally, remember this: Dogs behave as per their breed. You cannot expect a dog to act contrary to its nature. Therefore, if you have specific behavior expectations, choose a dog that aligns with them. The journey to molding a ‘good dog’ requires patience, persistence, and most importantly, kindness.