Is Ricotta Cheese Good For Dogs?
Ricotta cheese is a favorite among most people. Sometimes, as you enjoy ricotta, you might feel compelled to feed some to your furry friend. Sometimes your puppy might yearn for a bit or even steal some bites. This yearning may make you wonder, is ricotta cheese good for dogs?
Ricotta cheese is good for dogs when fed in small quantities. It contains some nutrients great for your dog, like protein. However, it can be detrimental to your four-legged friend when consumed in large quantities. This effect is due to its high-fat content.
Despite how often you are tempted to feed your dog everything you eat, not all food suitable for you is suitable for your dog to eat. If you wonder if ricotta cheese is an unsuitable food for your dog, you are in the right place because this article will explain all you need to know.
Can Dogs Eat Ricotta Cheese?
Yes, your dog can eat ricotta cheese. It is relatively safe for your dogs and contains essential nutrients that your dog needs for good health. However, the amount of ricotta cheese you feed the dog matters greatly. Feeding ricotta cheese to dogs in large quantities is not healthy. It can have diverse long-term health effects on them.
Ricotta cheese contains a high quantity of fat which is bad for your dog. When you feed ricotta cheese to your dog in large quantities, the dog runs higher risks of obesity and other side effects resulting from being obese. Consumption of large quantities of ricotta can also cause gas and bloating in your dog.
You must ration the amount of ricotta you feed your dog. You want to get only the good part of the cheese, not the detrimental aspects. Small portions or bites are all your dog needs to maximize the nutrients ricotta cheese offers. So you can satisfy the dog’s craving and feel good about yourself.
Is Ricotta Cheese Good For Dogs? Health Benefits Of Ricotta Cheese For Dogs
We cannot consider ricotta cheese toxic to dogs, but that does not mean it is great for your dogs either. It has many health benefits and nutrients, such as protein, minerals, calcium, selenium, and vitamins. The low lactose quantity in ricotta makes it more favorable to dogs than other cheese types or dairy products and a better choice in replacement for a dairy product.
An added advantage is its soft nature. Ricotta cheese is one soft food you can use to trick your dog into taking medication or pills. It also makes a good treat, but you must feed it in small quantities. There are other tricks you can use for dog medication for shy dogs.
The amount of ricotta your dog can eat depends on age, size, weight, and total health. Older and obese dogs should avoid eating ricotta as it might lead to heart challenges. Below are some ricotta cheese health benefits for dogs.
1. High Protein Content
Ricotta is rich in protein. It is a great way to ensure your dog gets a good quantity of amino acids. Its protein content also helps build their muscles, bones, and nails, making their skin and teeth brighter and stronger.
2. High In Omega-3
Ricotta cheese contains omega-3 essential for good eyesight and skin care and for every dog’s life. Omega-3 is a nutrient largely found in fish, but ricotta has a good amount of it too.
3. Rich In Selenium
Selenium is an antioxidant that protects your dog’s body from damage caused by aging and reduces their body’s stress level. It also increases your dog’s immunity by eradicating some radical defects. Ricotta is high in selenium content and a huge nutrient source for your dog. It is a good decision to feed them ricotta once in a while and a small amount.
4. High Calcium Content
The calcium content in ricotta cheese is plenty and ensures that your dogs have strong bones, nails, and teeth. Calcium also helps heal bone defects and ensures your dog is as strong as possible.
5. Low Lactose Content
Lactose is not very good for your dog and needs to be taken in small levels or amounts. Ricotta cheese has a very low lactose level. It is very low that even lactose-intolerant dogs can take them in very small quantities. That makes it a very good dairy product choice for your dogs.
You must note that you can maximize the health benefits of ricotta cheese in small quantities. If you feed your dog this cheese type in larger quantities, you might be putting your dog at some long-term health risks. Just like the saying, too much of everything is bad.
How Much Ricotta Cheese Can Dogs Eat?
Dogs can eat ricotta cheese in only small quantities. The high-fat content in this cheese removes it from the right food choice for dogs. However, consumption does not necessarily have a major effect on a dog.
It is best to use ricotta cheese as a treat, not a full meal. You can ration treats and feed them in small portions, unlike a full-day meal. Some of the side effects of dogs eating ricotta cheese in large amounts include the following:
- There is a tendency for your dog to gain weight from regular consumption of ricotta cheese due to its high-fat content. Obesity is very bad in dogs. It leads to weak or crippling bones, heart failure and death.
- Ricotta contains some natural sugar contents that may have a negative effect on your dog’s health. You mustn’t feed ricotta to diabetic dogs due to its sugar content.
- Large quantities of ricotta cheese can cause stomach bloating and gas for dogs. It can also lead to diarrhea.
- Although the lactose content of ricotta is low, you shouldn’t feed your dog that, especially if it is lactose intolerant.

How Should I Feed Ricotta Cheese To Dogs
They are different ways you can feed your dog ricotta cheese. It ranges from sprinkling crumbs on your dog’s regular food to baking treats. You should always aim to give them in very small amounts, or your dogs might get chunky or fat.
Ricotta cheese can be made into different types of meals. You can make a ricotta spinach meal or sandwich or bake it as a treat. Ricotta also goes very well with meat. Your dog will love meat with a dash of ricotta cheese.
Can Ricotta Cheese Cause Allergy?
Yes, ricotta cheese can trigger allergies in dogs with lactose intolerance. It contains low lactose levels, but that does not make it entirely safe for dogs with low-level tolerance for lactose.
When feeding your dog ricotta, especially for the first time, monitor it closely to see if it has any allergic reaction to its system. You can do a test feed by giving it a tiny amount and wait for ten to fifteen minutes to see if there’s any reaction. Give it a bit more only if there’s no reaction.
If your dog shows signs of intolerance, stop feeding it ricotta right away. It can lead to stomach bloating, gas, and diarrhea. These effects make your dog uncomfortable and can result in death when not properly handled.
Is Ricotta Good For Diabetic Dogs?
Ricotta cheese is not very good for diabetic dogs. It contains some elements of sugar. Diabetic dogs should avoid all forms of sugar-containing meals. However, there is a controversial belief that it’s good for diabetic dogs due to its high protein content and helps keep blood sugar low.
It is best to consult your dog’s veterinarian before feeding a diabetic dog ricotta cheese. Ensure that you follow the diet the vet gives rigorously. If you do, your dog will live a long life for you. If you must feed the ricotta cheese, do it in small amounts.
Can Dogs Eat Ricotta Pasta?
Yes, dogs can eat ricotta paste, but there are better meals than serving it to your dog. Pasta has high carbohydrate levels, and ricotta has a lot of fat content. The mixture is a good recipe for obesity. If you must feed your dog ricotta paste, do so in small amounts and at long intervals. It is not a meal your dog should take frequently or always.
Is Cottage Cheese Or Ricotta Cheese Better For Dogs
Cottage cheese and ricotta cheese are similar but different. Cottage cheese is better for dogs than ricotta cheese due to its lesser fat content. However, ricotta cheese has higher selenium and omega-3 content. This fact is not to say that you should serve your dog cottage cheese in large amounts. You still need to ration your servings.
If your dog is on a diet, ricotta cheese would be best instead of cottage cheese. It has lesser carb content than ricotta cheese. But ricotta is tastier, smooth, and has lesser salt than cottage cheese. It is best to consult and follow your vet’s dietary advice for your dog. This is especially so for dairy products.
What cheese should dogs avoid?
Just like people, some dogs have allergies or sensitivities to certain foods. Cheese is a common allergen for dogs, and can cause digestive problems. Avoid giving your dog cheese unless you know for sure that they can tolerate it. If you’re not sure, ask your vet.
Which cheeses are good for dogs?
Dogs can enjoy a variety of cheeses and it is important to know which cheeses are the healthiest and safest for their consumption. Generally speaking, low-fat, soft cheeses like cottage cheese, American cheese, cream cheese, and goat cheese are good options that can provide needed calcium and vitamins for dogs.
Cheeses with added ingredients such as pepperoni should be avoided. Some dogs may be lactose intolerant so it is important to look out for symptoms during feeding time. Cheese can also be used as a training tool to reward your pup – just remember to monitor the portion size depending on their size and activity level!
Is it OK for dogs to eat cheese everyday?
Consuming cheese on a daily basis may not be the best idea for your pup. While moderation is key for all dog owners, too much cheese can lead to an unwanted weight gain in dogs. Just like with people, carrying around extra weight can shorten a dog’s life span and lead to other health problems. In addition, some cheeses contain high levels of salt, which can be bad for a dog’s kidneys. So, while that daily slice of cheese might be tempting, it’s best not to feed it to your dog on a daily basis.
Final Thoughts
It is normal to want to feed your dog from that mouth-watery ricotta cheese meal you made. But it is more important to ask, is ricotta cheese good for dogs? Yes, it is good for dogs but only when eaten in small amounts. The fat content in ricotta is too much for your dog, and frequent consumption can cause obesity and its effects.